Own My Growth

Helping folks with practical tips to manage themselves better

Beware Of The Curse Of Knowledge

curse of knowledge

In 1990, Elizabeth Newton, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University, did a study to check how confident people were about communicating some message to someone and how successful they were in getting the message across to the recipient.  In the Read more…

Curiosity And Drive

curiosity and drive

Shared Via James Clear’s Blogpost People can help you in many ways throughout life, but there are two things nobody can give you: curiosity and drive. They must be self-supplied. If you are not interested and curious, all the information Read more…

Get Better At Self Learning

self learning

The education we acquire in college serves as a launch pad for our careers. However, formal education serves little purpose in the actual work world beyond helping us gain entry into a workplace. What sets performers apart is their ability Read more…

Being Polite Or Being Kind?

Being Kind

Many of us confuse politeness and kindness when it comes to sharing helpful feedback with our work colleagues, friends, and teammates. For instance, you might have a work colleague with bad breath or body odor issues that could negatively affect their Read more…

Are You Hungry?

If you are pursuing any significant goal- succeeding in a new role, achieving some financial outcomes, delivering on some target, or even seeking a breakthrough in a relationship – there’s one important factor that needs to be in play.  You Read more…

A Good Leader

Good Leader

Earlier this evening, I was conversing with a colleague who holds an important leadership role. We discussed the changes he is making to his leadership style as he continues to grow in his role. During our conversation, I shared my Read more…

Weekend Story-Beauty In Imperfection


A young man once sought out a master to teach him the Japanese tea ceremony. The master tested him by asking him to clean up a garden. The young man removed the weeds and raked the leaves until the grounds Read more…



In many situations, we tend to think about our choices as either this or that. However, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Our choices don’t have to be mutually exclusive; they can also be inclusive. We always have Read more…

Stonecutter’s Credo

Stonecutter's Credo

When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split Read more…

Demanding And Supportive

Demanding and supportive

I have been fortunate enough to work with some brilliant leaders throughout my career. What stood out was that most of them were demanding and supportive. Most people think of demanding and supportive as polar opposites. They believe that someone Read more…

Good Thinking

Good Thinking

Sometimes, the thing that impairs our thinking is our own ego, fears, and motivations. When we are in the grip of these factors, we do not engage with the issues logically and honestly. We look for reasons to justify our Read more…