Own My Growth

Helping folks with practical tips to manage themselves better


Month: May 2021

Annual Check-Up

Annual Check-Up

I came across an interesting concept today—something for me to think about and mull over. We all go to a doctor for an annual full-body health check-up, even when nothing seems to be wrong. Why do we do it? Because Read more…

Think Again. Be A Scientist

Be a scientist

We live in strange times. Whatever nation you may be from, over the last five, six years, the political discourse has become very divisive. I come from India, and any conversation with anyone about the socio-political situation is combative and Read more…

Learn To Flourish


In the Book Flourish , author Martin Seligman says that Fulfilment comes from two things. Mastery- Where we work hard and become good at doing something. Meaning-This is also called purpose. This means striving to do something more significant than Read more…

Quit Worrying About Tomorrow


One of the bad habits that many of us have unconsciously acquired over the last year, through the pandemic, is an unhealthy obsession with the future. “Did you see the latest Covid Numbers? What do you think the issue is? Read more…

Life’s Mirror

Life's Mirror

While listening to a podcast this evening, I came across a reference to a lovely poem that was supposed to have been penned by one Emma Wheeler Wilcox. Fascinated by the few lines of the poem that the speaker read Read more…

Beware Of The Curse Of Knowledge

curse of knowledge

In 1990, Elizabeth Newton, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University, did a study to check how confident people were about communicating some message to someone and how successful they were in getting the message across to the recipient.  In the Read more…

There Is Always The Next Race


Goal achievement is a bit like running a marathon. Some run a marathon as a competition. Their goal is not just to run the Marathon but to also beat 5000 other runners. For such competitive runners, goal achievement is in Read more…

100% Commitment Is Easier Than 98%

100% Commitment

In one of the excellent books relating to the art of living titled How Will You Measure Your Life, Harvard Professor Clayton Christiansen talks about how perfectly sane and decent individuals regress into making unethical and immoral choices unconsciously.   In Read more…

Fear Of Rejection- It’s Evolutionary

Fear of Rejection

Imagine you have the power to time travel and you go back 20000 years. You belong to a close-knit tribe of hunter-gatherers living in the open forest lands. You hunt and defend yourself against all the other animals as a Read more…

Friday Night Musing- What Is Growth ?


I have written a lot about personal growth. But this evening, I find myself thinking about growth. What is growth? How does one know one is growing? How does one experience growth? Is it something tangible? Contemplating these questions, I Read more…