Own My Growth

Helping folks with practical tips to manage themselves better

Of Muddy Puddles And Leaky Ceilings

Muddy puddles

Sharing this great wisdom via James Clear’s Blog. Problems we deal daily with can be of two types. Imagined or real. Muddy puddles and leaky ceilings are great metaphors to distinguish between two types of problems. Ignore the imagined and Read more…

Celebrate Constantly


How often do we reach our goals and then immediately move on? When we do this, the recollection of the success diminishes. How can we confidently move forward if we can’t remember what we have achieved, or worse yet, link Read more…

Process Your Past In Planning For Future

Process your past

The season of Annual Operating Plans is here, and I have noticed that many people struggle with how to approach the planning process for the upcoming year. One common issue is that people tend to focus solely on the future Read more…

A Simple Ritual

simple ritual

A simple ritual to boost your confidence: Ask yourself What am I really good at? What is easier for me today than it was one year ago? What is my proudest accomplishment? Reflect on the answers to the above three Read more…

Intention Vs Resolution

Intention Vs resolution

Many of us tend to set resolutions during significant transition periods in our lives, such as a new year, birthday, or a new job role. We often say to ourselves, “New Year, new resolution,” or “This time, it will be Read more…

Weekend Story-Warren Buffett & The Pilot

Warren Buffett

Michael, a young and ambitious pilot, lands his dream job working for the legendary investor Warren Buffett. Determined to speak with Mr. Buffett and receive some career and wealth advice, Michael resolves to find a way to approach him. Finally, Read more…

Seek The Unfamiliar

seek the unfamiliar

When we face complex challenges, we tend to seek answers from what we already know and are familiar with. We look for solutions within the confines of our comfort zone and experience. However, what if the real breakthroughs are hidden Read more…

I’ve Got Enough

I've got enough

I recently came across a blog post by  Bob Sutton that describes a fascinating conversation between two famous novelists, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller. In 2005, Kurt Vonnegut found himself at a lavish party on Shelter Island, a playground for the wealthy. Read more…

Change Yourself First

Change yourself

Leo Tolstoy once said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Organizations across domains are scrambling to transform so that they can stay relevant and competitive in today’s rapidly changing world. But here’s the Read more…

Paradox Of Big Goals

Paradox of big goals

It’s all okay when we have modest or attainable goals, but when we aspire to achievements that are very ambitious, things tend to get more complicated. Aggressive and overambitious goals tend to stunt the spirit of creativity, innovation, and discovery Read more…